Online Diagnostic Billing

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Online Diagnostic Billing:

Medical billing software programmed with the diagnostic and billing codes most frequently used, offer the following benefits:

  • Reduced Coding Errors: The most common reason that claims are denied is that the billing submitted does not have the correct diagnostic code or encounter code. Medical billing software significantly decreases the number of billing errors that lead to denied or delayed claims.
  • Ability to Track Collections: Medical billing software helps track where claims are in the billing pipeline. Medical billing software can also assist managing the accounts of self-pay patients.
  • Secure and HIPAA Compliant Records: Medical billing software has enhanced security features to ensure the privacy of Protected Health Information (PHI). Often paper records can inadvertently become misplaced and thrown in the trash, which is a violation of HIPAA laws.  
  • Integration with EHR and Practice Management Software: When medical billing software is integrated with EHR and practice management applications, many the administrative function of managing a podiatry practice are eliminated or greatly reduced in scope. This saves on overhead costs.

Medical billing software offers significant time and money savings for the users when compared to manual billing procedures.

  • Medical billing software can free the users and their staff from burdensome manual billing tasks so they can focus on their patients.
  • The coding features in medical billing software for the users, decrease billing errors that can cause delays in reimbursement. This means significant improvement in cash flow.
  • When medical billing software is integrated with EHR and practice management software, many of the administrative tasks of the practice can be automated, which save the practice a significant amount of money on overhead expenses.